Here is a very neat and interesting paper contrasting defined benefit plans - i.e. pensions - with defined contribution plans - i.e. 401(k) plans - and addressing, in .
IRS proposes regulations on effect of FMLA on cafeteria plans. Coordination of cafeteria plan rules with the FMLA rules
Life: Health reform law taking effect | health, care, plans, morris, children, insurance, insurers, law, reform, breathing
The Positive Effects of a Good Estate Plan. . Estate planning is an important legal issue that everyone, even with modest assets should go about the preparation.
There is much current discussion in planning circles about the case of Uniplex v NHS Business Services Authority a case from the European Court of Justice reported in January 2010.
The Regs came into force last Tuesday. So what's changed. No-one has introduced CIL yet of course but there are some early adopters
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are leading the way.DCLG have told us they .
ERISA preemption: the effect of stop-loss insurance on self-insured health plans. The ERISA foxtrot: current jurisprudence takes one step forward and one step back in .
Three years before the new health care law takes full effect, a survey of employers has found 30 percent of them are thinking about dropping coverage, in part .
Wis. judge halts governor's union law plans
He says the law to cut most public workers' plans law of effect pay and strip them of most of their union rights hasn't taken effect yet
The formal cause tells us what, by analogy to the plans of an artisan, a thing is . no more than a chain of events following one after another according to the law of cause and effect.
The death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il threatens instability in the region just when many U.S. law firms are expressing interest in opening offices in South Korea .
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